

План роботи шкільного МО вчителів англійської мови


Тема:  Покупки
Підтема: «Going Shopping»
Цілі:  Практичні: Активізувати лексичні одиниці теми; розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення; розвивати навички    аудіювання;  тренувати навички письма та монологічного мовлення, узагальнити і систематизувати матеріал з теми.
           Освітня:    Розширити ерудицію учнів,   поглибити знання з теми « Покупки »; формувати комунікативну і соціокультурну компетенції.
         Розвиваюча: Розвивати культуру спілкування  в ситуаціях, вміння працювати в групах; розвивати  мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію, інтелектуальні та пізнавальні   здібності.
        Виховна: Виховувати культуру спілкування в практичному використанні мови;  виховувати почуття поваги,   ввічливості при спілкуванні.
Тип уроку: Перевірка та коригування знань, умінь і навичок.
Обладнання: Підручник, мультимедійна дошка,  роздатковий матеріал.

Схематичний план уроку
І. Початок уроку
   1) Організаційний момент
   2) Повідомлення мети
ІІ. Основна частина уроку
1)    Активізація ЛО теми
2)    Розвиток навичок письма
3)    Фізична розминка
4)    Розвиток навичок аудіювання
5)    Розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення
6)    Розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку
1)    Подання  домашнього завдання
2)    Підведення підсумків уроку
3)    Виставлення оцінок, їх мотивація

І. The Beginning of the Lesson
 Greeting, aim
T:Good morning, сhildren! I’m glad to see you!
Ps: Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you, too!
T: Sit down, please. The theme of our lesson is “ Going Shopping ”. By the way, do you like going shopping? Look at the board and choose the variant.
P1: I like going shopping because I want to help my Mum.
P2: I like going shopping because it is a great fun.
P3: I like going shopping because  I like buying new things.
P4: I like going shopping because it is exciting.
T: So, I see. This topic is interesting for you. And during the lesson we are going to:
- Review the active vocabulary;
- Make up sentences and dialogues about “ Shopping”;
    -  Practice listening and speaking;
     - Get to know about banknotes and coins. 
II Main part of the lesson
1) Review the active vocabulary
T: Let’s review the names of the shops. Write down the name of the shop you see on the slide.
( picture 1- bakery, picture 2 – the fishmonger’s, pic.3 – the confectionary, pic.4 – a toy shop,
pic.5 – the chemist’s, pic.6 – the dairy shop, pic.6 – the clothes shop, pic.7 - the butcher’s,
pic.8 – a department store, pic.9 – the greengrocer’s, pic.10 – the supermarket, pic.11 – butcher’s,
pic.12 – the sports shop). Exchange with the partner. Check it. Put marks.
T: What can we buy at  these shops?
 Read the explanations and guess what thing or kind of food is it.
P1: We need it to make sausages. ( meat )
P2: It can be white, grey or black. It is made of flour. ( bread )
P3: We can put it in porridge. We can put it on a slice of bread and eat with cheese or some sausage for breakfast.( butter )
P3: We put on them. ( clothes )
P4: It can be made of apples, cherries, strawberries… It is sweet.( jam)
P5:We make pancakes with it. ( flour )
P6: It is made of milk. We usually eat it with cottage cheese.( sour cream )
P6: Children like them most of all. ( sweets )
P7: We catch it in the river, in the sea or in the ocean. ( fish )
P8: General word for potatoe, cucumber, carrot, cabbage…. ( vegetables )
T: Sometimes we put some kinds of food into the containers.
Match two parts:
a carton                   jam
a jar                          fish
a packet         of      Sprite
a bottle                    flour
a tin                          juice
a can                         sour cream
Ps’ answer’s.

2) Practice
Teacher: Now, make up sentences, using the active vocabulary. Look at the board and use the cues.
Write down the sentences into your copy-books. Than, read them aloud.
P1: We can buy ( meat and sausages) at the butcher’s.
P2: We can buy ( sour cream, milk and cheese) at the dairy shop.
P3: We can buy (  flour and jam ) at the supermarket.
P4: We can buy ( fish and seafood) at the fishmonger’s.
P5: We can buy (pies, bread rolls and bread) at the bakery.
P6: We can buy ( fruit and vegetables) at the greengrocer’s.
P7: We can buy ( sweets and cakes) at the confectionary.
P8: We can buy ( medicine) at the chemist’s.  
3) Break
4) Listening
Teacher: Listen to the girl’s story and choose only true statements:
1. Everyone goes shopping even without money.
2. The girl likes going shopping on the weekends.
3. She hates buying clothes.
4. She finds bookshops the best.
5. The girl is fond of reading.
( video  from the Internet)
Ps’ answer’s.

5) Act out the dialogues and answer the questions.
Dialogue № 1              
Mr. Black: I’d like some apples, please.
Shop-assistant: What apples would you like: green, red or yellow?
Mr. Black: Green, please.
Shop-assistant: How many apples would you like?
Mr. Black: Can I have 5 apples?
Shop-assistant: Of course.
Questions: 1) What did Mr. Black want to buy? (apples)
                    2) How many apples did Mr. Black want to buy? (five)
                    3) What apples did Mr. Black prefer?  (green)
Dialogue № 2              
          Customer: Good morning!
           Shop-assistant: Good morning!
           Customer: I want a loaf of bread, please.
           Shop-assistant: Here you are.
           Customer: Thank you.
           Shop-assistant: Do you want anything else?
           Customer: Yes. I’d like a bottle of milk, a packet of sugar, three pounds of apples and two       cans of Cola. How much is all  that?
           Shop-assistant: Five pounds fifty, please.
           Customer: Here’s six pounds.
           Shop-assistant: That’s 50 pence change. thank you very much and come again.
Questions:  1) What did the customer asked first? (a loaf of bread)
                     2) How much was the change? (50 pence)
                     3) How many bottles of milk did the customer ask? (1 bottle)
Dialogue № 3   
  Ann: I’d like a pair of shoes, please.
  Shop-assistant: What fashion  would you like?
  Ann: Low shoes for every day wear.
  Shop-assistant: What colour would you like?
  Ann: Blue.
Shop-assistant: What size do you wear?
  Ann: Five. Can I try them on?
  Shop-assistant: Of course.

Questions: 1) What did Ann want to buy at the shoe shop? ( shoes)
                     2) What was Ann’s size? (five)
                     3) What colour of shoes did Ann choose? (blue)
Ps’ answers.
Teacher: If you want to buy something you need some money. Look at the board and answer the questions. ( slides with money)
1.What money do people use in Ukraine?
P1: In Ukraine people use hryvnias and kopiykas.
2.What money do people in the UK use?
P2: In the UK people use pounds and pence.
3. What money do people in the USA use?
P3: In the USA people use dollars and cents.
5) Speaking
Teacher: Now we are ready to go shopping. What are the best shops for children?
Of course, Toy shops and confectionaries. Let’s go shopping in the best London shops for children.
You prepared the info about them. So, the first is Hamleys ( slide )
P1: Hamleys is the greatest toy shop in the world It is in London in Reagent Street. The shop has seven floors of toys to explore. People from all over the world come to visit it. You can buy the most wonderful toys and games there. There are always lots of toy demonstrations there, so you can try before you buy.
T:Than, Mystical Fairies.
P2: It is the girl’s dream! This shop is full of fairy and princes dresses. There are also lots of accessories: bags, scarves and wigs. Girls can be part of Fairy School and Princess Academy. They can learn how to be fairies and princess, do arts and crafts, decorate a fairy cake, sing and dance.
T: Now, Forbidden Planet.
P3: It is the world’s largest and best-known entertainment shop. This is where you can find the latest comics and graphic novels from science fiction and fantasy stories. You can buy action figures, books, DVD’s and toys.
T: So now, Hope and Greenwood shop.
P4: It is a confectionary. It is in Russell Street. You can buy traditional sweets in old-fashioned glass jars. You can discover for yourself Candy Bananas, Rainbow Drops and Flying Saucers! And you can use the jars for your new creative ideas!
T: So, Which shops would you like to visit?
P1:I would like to visit Hope and Greenwood Shop because I like sweets.
P2: I would like to visit Hamleys because I ‘d like to try toys before I buy them.
P3: I’d like to visit Mystical Fairies because I like fairy and princess dresses.
P4: I’d like to visit Forbidden Planet because It is the world’s largest entertainment shop.
T: I hope, one day you might visit them or take your children to visit these shops.     
ІІІ  The Final Part of the Lesson
1) Home Assignmant
T: Make up a story  about our local shops, using active vocabulary.
2) Marks and motivation.
ІІІ. The Final Part of the Lesson
1)    Home Assignmant
T: Make up a story  about our local shops

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